What you can find out about on this webpage:
If you are looking for a place in therapy or counselling:
You can find out here how to find a place in therapy or counselling where you will be treated with respect, which also means a place where your sexual orientation and gender identity are valued.
We have put together some information here on the most important issues that arise in this context (see the drop down menu on the left). We hope that this information will help you to find a suitable counsellor or therapist.
If you are in counselling or therapy:
You can check whether your therapist or counsellor’s behavior towards you is appropriate and correct (How you can tell if you are in good hands).
How to act if you have the impression that you are not in good hands in your counselling or therapy: What to do when you feel you are not in good hands?
If you want to find out more about psychological counselling and psychotherapy:
You can read about what benefits counselling and therapy can have for LGBTQI* people and what counselling and therapy is, what is additionally important for refugees about psychotherapy and counselling, what reservations people might have about psychotherapy and counselling and why language mediation can be a good idea.
The content of these webpages was created by Psychologischen Lesben und Schwulenberatung in Mannheim (PLUS) and provided to VLSP* in 2007. We are very thankful for this contribution! The content was updated in 2020 in conjunction with the VLSP Project "Anders ankommen - Vielfalt verstehen".
Last updated: 03/09/2021 - 15:44