Contextual factors for substance (ab)use of lesbians and bisexual women

Author: Gisela Wolf


The specific situation of lesbians and bisexual women determines how they deal with substance (ab)use against the backdrop of their living conditions and their integration into intersectionally crossed social structures like educational institutions, work environment, family, friendships and the lesbian, bisexual and queer communities (Greenwood & Gruskin, 2007). There is evidence for specific consumption patterns, vulnerability concerning the (ab) use of particular substances, characteristic features of discourse regarding substance(ab)use in lesbian and queer communities as well as for the development of specific resources to cope with substance abuse. In this paper recommendations for affirmative counselling and treatment of lesbian and bisexual women with problems with substance abuse are developed, based on findings regarding diverse ways of coping with substance (ab)use by lesbian and bisexual women and in their communities.

Keywords: lesbians, bisexual women, substance use, substance abuse, substance addiction, alcohol, smoking, queer community, counselling, psychotherapy


Wolf, G. (2015). Substanzgebrauch bei lesbischen und bisexuellen Frauen [Contextual factors for substance (ab)use of lesbians and bisexual women]. Verhaltenstherapie & psychosoziale Praxis, 47, 101-112. doi: [Download]

Last updated: 08/09/2020 - 16:37

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