HIV is a virus that infects the human immune system, attacks the body's immune cells, destroys them and uses their DNA to multiply in the blood, causing a decrease in the number of cells of the immune system, which leads to the weakening of the immune system gradually to render the body more susceptible to other viral, bacterial and more diseases. This can finally lead to the disease known as AIDS.
But being HIV positive and having AIDS is not the same.If you are HIV positive then you can use virus-suppressing treatment so that the effect of the virus on your body is almost non-existent.
Living with HIV:
HIV positive people can lead largely normal lives and people around them do not need to be in constant fear of virus transmission. HIV can only be transmitted through ways such as blood transfusion, unprotected sexual intercourse, and sharing injection needles. People with HIV neither need to isolate themselves nor do they have to disinfect their surroundings.
Unfortunately, since this is not yet widely enough known, HIV-positive people continue to be subjected to discrimination and exclusion by others.
Psychological support for HIV-positive people:
Newly diagnosed people may not have enough knowledge about what their condition means, the possibility of treatment, and whether there will be a change in their social life. This causes a lot of questions, fears and sometimes even trauma. The psychological impact can therefore be severe on newly diagnosed individuals. It is therefore adviced to seek support with psychological counseling or therapy after being diagnosed with HIV. This helps to avoid the formation of future mental health issues and it helps the diagnosed person to deal with simple changes that may come in his daily life and enhances chances of successfully dealing with potential social obstacles as well.
Last updated: 05/29/2020 - 12:21